Active learning for video (Iteration)

Put your money where your mouth is and build out this prototype.

This will be a YouTube video annotator. You watch a longer YouTube clip, you want to index it, get the meat out of it, so you can re-watch it yourself, or share a set of clips seamlessly to a friend.

We start with a side webapp (or chrome extension if must be), that has our original unannotated video embedded, and we have a toolbar that let’s us “Add Note” or “End Note”. This is our “Annotation Mode”

When out of “Annotation Mode” we move to “Playback Mode”.

So what can the API do? This product is at the whim of the YouTube API.

“Using the API’s JavaScript functions, you can queue videos for playback; play, pause, or stop those videos; adjust the player volume; or retrieve information about the video being played. You can also add event listeners that will execute in response to certain player events, such as a player state change.”

Useful calls from the API

  • OniframeAPIload
  • onplayer ready
  • onplayerstate change (see event)
  • loadVideoById - can set videoId, start end time.


  • adding the #link might be good to get directly to where you want to go.
  • community see other people’s annotations just like kindle. Export notes basically. And see other people’s notes. Your friends too. What did they think or you think? Like google docs type of stuff.
  • can turn into full web app. Close it close to yourself for now.
  • make everything editable here. title, start and end points.
  • Make an extended tab where you can add even more detailed notes, links, etc.
  • Add a scrollable thing.

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Kevin Chow
Kevin Chow
Fledging Computer Scientist
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